Mukund Varma T

I'm a first year CSE Ph.D. student at UC San Diego, jointly advised by Professors Ravi Ramamoorthi and Hao Su. I received my bachelors degree from IIT Madras.

I was fortunate to have spent several summers at Adobe, Nvidia, and Google with amazing mentors and colleagues. I have also had the opporunity to collaborate (and still continue to) with folks from the VITA Group at UT Austin. During my undergrad, I was also associated with the Advanced Geomtric Computing Lab, and the Computational Imaging Lab.

I am lucky to be supported by the Jacobs School of Engineering Fellowship.

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(superscript * indicates equal contribution)

My current research interests lie at the intersection of computer vision, computer graphics and machine learning, specifically to facilitate high quality 3D reconstructions and semantic understanding from multiple view points. Some papers are highlighted.

GAURA: Generalizable Approach for Unified Restoration and Rendering of Arbitrary Views
Vinayak Gupta*Girish Rongali*Mukund Varma T*Kaushik Mitra
under review.

A generalizable framework for novel view synthesis using degraded input captures containing any imperfection type.

A Construct-Optimize Approach to Sparse View Synthesis without Camera Pose
Kaiwen JiangYang FuMukund Varma TYash BelheXiaolong WangHao SuRavi Ramamoorthi
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A camera-free novel view synthesis technique from sparse input views (as few as 3 images of large-scale scenes).

Lift3D: Zero Shot Lifting of Any 2D Vision Model to 3D
Mukund Varma TPeihao WangZhiwen FanZhangyang WangHao SuRavi Ramamoorthi
CVPR 2024.
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General framework to lift any pretrained 2D vision model to generate 3D consistent outputs with no additional optimization.

One-2-3-45: Any Single Image to 3D Mesh in 45 Seconds without Per-Shape Optimization
Minghua Liu*Chao Xu*Haian Jin*Linghao Chen*Mukund Varma TZexiang XuHao Su
NeurIPS 2023.
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Improves consistency of off-the-shelf multi-view generation techniques using a generalizable SDF, enabling super fast 3D generation from a single image.

U2NeRF: Unifying Unsupervised Underwater Image Restoration and Neural Radiance Fields
Manoj S*Mukund Varma T*Vinayak Gupta*Kaushik Mitra
ICLR Tiny Papers 2024.
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A unsupervised learning pipeline for generalizable novel view synthesis and restoration of underwater scenes by disentangling into individual image formation components.

Enhancing NeRF akin to Enhancing LLMs: Generalizable NeRF Transformer with Mixture-of-View-Experts
Wenyan Cong*Hanxue Liang*Peihao WangZhiwen FanTianlong ChenMukund Varma TYi WangZhangyang Wang
ICCV 2023.
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We scale up generalizable NeRF training by borrowing the concept of mixture of experts from language models.

DeepSIFT: Rethinking Domain Generalization using Invariant Representations
Amil V DravidK Vikas MahendarYunhao GeHarkirat BehlMukund Varma TYogesh S RawatAggelos KatsaggelosNeel JoshiVibhav Vineet
under review.

We present emperical evidence that convolutional networks trained on sift features improve robustness to unseen out-of-domain data with minimal to no-loss in in-domain performance.

Is Attention All That NeRF Needs?
Mukund Varma T*Peihao Wang*Xuxi ChenTianlong ChenSubhashini VenugopalanZhangyang Wang
ICLR 2023.
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We propose a generalizable neural scene representation and rendering pipeline that achieves superior quality compared to previous methods.

Sparse Lottery Tickets are Data Efficient Image Recognizers
Mukund Varma TXuxi ChenZhenyu ZhangTianlong ChenSubhashini VenugopalanZhangyang Wang
NeurIPS 2022 (Spotlight).
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Sparse networks identified using iterative magnitude pruning showcase improved data-efficiency and robustness compared to their dense counterparts.

NL Augmenter: A Collaborative Effort to Transform and Filter Text Datasets
Kaustubh DholeVarun Gangal, ... Mukund Varma TTanay Dixit,  et al.
NEJLT 2023 (GEM Workshop, IJCNLP 2021).
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Collaborative repository of natural language transformations.

BIG Bench: Beyond the Imitation Game Benchmark
Jascha Sohl-DicksteinGuy Gur-Ari, ... Mukund Varma TDiganta Misra,  et al.
TMLR 2023 (WELM Workshop, ICLR 2021).
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Collaborative benchmark for measuring and extrapolating the capabilities of language models.

ShapeFormer: A Transformer for Point Cloud Completion
Kushan Raj*Mukund Varma T*Dimple A ShajahanRamanathan Muthuganapathy
under review.

A specialized pipeline for point cloud shape completion that can generalize to synthetic and real partial scans from seen and unseen categorical types.

[Re] On the Relationship between Self-Attention and Convolutional Layers
Mukund Varma T*Nishanth Prabhu*
ReScience-C (MLRC, NeurIPS 2020).
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We introduce Hierarchical Attention, a reccurent transformer module that immitates convolution-like operation with significantly lower computational budget.

Point Transformer for Shape Classification and Retrieval of Urban Roof Point Clouds
Dimple A Shajahan*Mukund Varma T*Ramanathan Muthuganapathy
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We propose a transformer architecture for sparse set learning, e.g. point cloud understanding.

Academic Service

  • Conference Reviewer:
    NeurIPS (2022, 23, 24), ICLR (2023, 24), ICCV (2023), ECCV (2024), CVPR (2024).
  • Journal Reviewer:
    Computers and Graphics (2021, 22).
  • Teaching Assistant (IIT Madras):
    • CS6700 Reinforcement Learning, Spring 2023.
    • EE5180 Introduction to Machine Learning, Spring 2023.
    • EE5179 Deep Learning for Imaging, Fall 2022.


I enjoy hiking ⛰️ (cuz duh I am a boring computer science kid), used to sketch ✏️ a bit, and love playing most sports, particularly badminton 🏸, tennis 🎾 and soccer ⚽ (ahem I am american XD). Feel free to reach out to chat about anything, but headsup I love to yap (it can be scary, umm I am kidding lmao). Fun fact: my name in chinese 牧坤 (Mù kūn) when broken down essentially means "to manage" 牧 (Mù) and 坤 (kūn), one of the eight trigrams in I Ching that represents "the earth" 😤.

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